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Packing Hacks to Make Moving Easy

sketchSketch it out

Drawing where your furniture will go on the floor plan provided by the Leasing Agent will keep you prepared and organized.  You’ll most likely move things around later but having a plan in mind ahead of time should reduce stress and chaos on moving day.  This will also give you an opportunity to decide if there is any existing furniture that you should sell, give away, or buy prior to your move.

boxesSpring cleaning

Go through all of your clothes, kitchenware, pantry items, and closets before you begin packing.  Do you really need that pair of shoes that you never wear?  How about that ice cream maker that you’ve only used once?  Do you have any cleaning supplies you never use or are almost empty?  No need to pack and move something that can donate, sell, recycle, or throw away ahead of time.

Label all boxes  box label

Labeling the boxes’ contents and which room they will be going to will pay dividends when you go to unpack everything.  Once all boxes are taped and sealed shut, it is also a great practice to write a number on each box so you know the total number of boxes you will be moving.


towelWrap breakables in t-shirts, socks,  or towels

Why pay for expensive bubble wrap when you can use your clothes for free?  Packing plates vertically like records tends to also save space and protects them from breakage.

drawerWrap dresser drawers in protective plastic instead of emptying them

This method will save you time from having to pack and unpack the drawer and will also reduce the weight of the dresser.


cordsTake pictures of your electronic equipment before dismantling the cords

It can also be helpful to tape labels to the cords and inputs so you know how to plug everything back in.  Placing the cords and screws in a small bag and taping it to the back of the equipment is another smart practice.

bagPack a small overnight bag for all of the essentials you’ll need on moving day

You’ll be tired after a long day of moving.  By having your toiletries, pajamas, a change of clothes, and a phone charger in one bag you won’t have to waste time digging through boxes to search for what you need to go to sleep the first day.  We also recommend keeping valuables such jewelry and your laptop in this bag to ensure these items from being misplaced, broken, or stolen on moving day.

clear binUse clear plastic bins for items that you’ll want to access quickly on moving day

Being able to see inside the box works great when you want to pack a large number of smaller, individual items such as kitchen and bathroom supplies.  We also recommend putting scissors, cleaning products, handheld broom, dust pan, and paper towels in a second clear container as you will most likely need these items frequently on moving day.

serenityRemember to keep a serenity space

Let’s face it, packing and moving is tiring and stressful.  Remember to always keep one place clear of boxes and loose items so you have a place to sit or lay down when you are ready to take a break, you’ll thank yourself later!

Tips on Asking a Friend to Help You Move

Asking a friend to help you move can always be an awkward conversation.  Not very many people like packing and moving, I don’t even think professional movers like doing it!  But when a friend or family member asks for the help, we tend to feel the need to oblige, unless we can think of a quick excuse of course.   Here a few tips to make the moving experience more efficient and enjoyable when asking friends for help:

honestSet honest expectations

People like to know what they are getting themselves into.  Properly assess what you need their help with and how much time it will take.  Be upfront in relaying this information when asking for help.



Provide proper notice

Don’t ask for help the day before or day of.  People will most likely say no.  It’s best to ask at least two or three weeks in advance.

Obtain confirmation  confirm

Remember to send a reminder to your friend the day before to confirm that they are still planning on helping you and what time they will be there.

Don’t waste people’s time  sand clock

If you asked your friend to arrive at a specific time be all packed up and ready for them at that time.



Make sure your vehicle is “move ready” car trunk

A “move ready” vehicle is gassed up and the trunk is cleared of all non-moving items before your friend arrives.  There’s no reason to be restricted of valuable moving space because you left your jumper cables, a big wad of reusable grocery bags, or last year’s Christmas presents that you’ve been planning on returning in your trunk or the back seat of your car.  It’s best to clear everything out ahead of time.

Keep everyone fed and hydrated  pizza

Buying your friends lunch and cold beverages can pay dividends on a long, stressful day.



Offer a reward for your friend’s time   iou

You’ll most likely need to reward your friends somehow for helping you.  Treat them to a nice meal, offer to help them move, throw them a party, run an errand for them, offer to babysit their kids.  Oh, and cold hard cash works well too!


Say thank you  thank you

Sometimes in the thick of moving you can forget to tell your friend how much you appreciate their help.  Remember to thank them again a week later after you are fully settled in.